I have added another Iron to the fire…I have a scraper setup for gps controlled drainage. I can help…

New scraper set up for gps controlled drainage.grading and leveling for precision ag

I have added another Iron to the fire…I have a scraper setup for gps controlled drainage. I can help you level out that pond in the field, or make perfect ditches, and waterways.

The system is available to rent with or without the scraper, and also available for demos, or I can just do the work for you.




Names are Changing….Straighline Ag Inc.  is now Jenner Precision…  Staightline was started by Jenner…

Names are Changing….
Straighline Ag Inc.  is now Jenner Precision…  Staightline was started by Jenner sales many years ago, and has always been a Jenner subsidiary, after some changes at the company they decided to bring straightline in under the Jenner name to streamline the business.  Nothing has changed with the base station network, or our sales and service teams, we just spruced up the branding.

Jenner Sales – Our goal is to increase our customer’s profitability and reduce their risks using precision application through new technology.